A Quick Burn Initiative Update

A Quick Burn Initiative Update
“Let me stand next to your fire.” — Jimi Hendrix

Community Burn Redirect Option Results

That’s a wrap, folks! Our recent major DAO proposal has just finished and the results are in: the burn fund initially allocated towards burning will be redirected towards other funds. With 94.15% of the vote in favor of the redirect, the new use of the 200m tokens will be voted upon in the following two proposals:

1. Burn Redirect Voting Option

The first of the two remaining proposals for the initiative, the community will now decide how the final vote will function.

Shall the new fund of 200m AVI tokens be dedicated to the winner of the vote? Or shall the fund be distributed proportionally to the vote?

If the fund is dedicated to the winner of the vote, all funds will be redirected to the option that receives the most votes. The voting method will use ranked choice voting.

If the fund is distributed proportionally, the total funds will be divided amongst all options based on their vote share. This voting method will use weighted voting (users may spread their voting power across multiple options).

2. Burn Redirect Destination

The final proposal in the initiative will determine how these funds will be used. Below is the list of options that voters will be selecting:

  • Dedicate to CEX Listings
  • Add to Quarterly Marketing Budget
  • Remain in the Treasury
  • Burn
  • Community Option 1
  • Community Option 2
  • Community Option 3
  • Community Option 4

Before the posting of this proposal, the community is strongly encouraged to submit their suggestions to our email dao@aviator.ac. Selecting up to four proposals from the community, AVI holders will be able to showcase their ideas for voting! And even better, if your submission is featured, you will receive $50 in AVI tokens from the marketing account!

Some quick updates: our DAO Constitution will be introduced and ratified through the DAO in the coming weeks. This document will detail the guidelines and procedures that govern the DAO and the treasury.

Additionally, we will be updating our website to include direct integration for our DAO as well as our articles in the coming days.

Website: https://aviator.ac/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/aviator_ac

Telegram: https://t.me/aviator_ac

Discord: https://aviator.ac/discord

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/DecentralizedAviators/

Warpcast: https://warpcast.com/aviator-ac

Snapshot DAO: https://snapshot.org/#/aviator-dao.eth

Links: https://aviator.ac/links

CoinMarketCap: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/aviator

CoinGecko: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/aviator

Etherscan: https://etherscan.io/token/0xd2bdaaf2b9cc6981fd273dcb7c04023bfbe0a7fe

DEXTools: https://www.dextools.io/app/en/ether/pair-explorer/0x46077fccd46bc963d32456f931c13324786f8bab

Uniswap: https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xd2bdaaf2b9cc6981fd273dcb7c04023bfbe0a7fe