Aviator Game Jam!

Aviator Game Jam!
“Fly me to the moon. Let me play among the stars.” — Bart Howard

As we continue to develop Aviator Arcade, we are preparing to open up our doors to developers to start experimenting with what we have to offer. Recruiting developers from all experience levels and making the platform accessible to all is crucial for us to thrive.

We are proud to announce the launch of our first-ever Game Jam on October 15, 2023, designed to attract talented developers to our arcade ecosystem. This month-long event will offer developers the opportunity to craft unique and engaging arcade games for Aviator Arcade.

Additionally, we will be introducing an early version of our Game Developer Grants system, which will enable us to support developers in further enhancing their games for our platform. This initiative will yield countless game options for our community to evaluate and select their favorites for full-scale development and hosting with Aviator. The Game Developer Grant system documentation is being reviewed to ensure accuracy and feasibility within the Web3 space.

Aviator Game Jam website: https://gamejam.aviator.ac/

Game Jam

A Game Jam is an event where participants attempt to make a video game from scratch within the allotted time frame. Aviator is hosting a Game Jam on itch.io from October 15 through November 15, 2023, to entice smaller developers globally to create games for our platform.

A crucial component of this event will be a comprehensive trial run encompassing various game engines. Opening up the platform during building will allow us to identify and address any compatibility issues that may arise when integrating different engines with our platform, ensuring a smoother experience for all involved come the public release of Aviator Arcade.

The Game Jam will run for one month to allow adequate time for game development and community feedback. This multi-stage approach will allow our in-house developers to test different games and engines on our alpha platform and use that data to fix any issues that may arise before the beta launch.

This event hosted by Aviator will offer the following rewards (paid in AVI, USDT, or Fiat USD by request):

  • 1st Place — $500
  • 2nd Place — $250
  • 3rd Place — $100
  • 4th Place — $100
  • 5th Place — $50

Our early adopter bonus will be available to all game jam participants chosen by community vote who wish to launch their finished games on our platform. This early adopter bonus equates to an additional 5% of revenue directly to the game developers, bringing their total income to 45% of every transaction on their game. This 45% includes the ad revenue from their game’s landing page. The more popular their game, the more developers stand to make.

Winners are to be selected through the Aviator DAO. For more info, check out our Game Jam website!

An early preview of Aviator Arcade’s web interface. Style and assets are subject to change.


We are very excited to announce that our Game Jam event will coincide with the launch of the Official Aviator Discord server. This platform will serve as a hub for developers to join our community and foster valuable connections within our network, as well as give community members further options to socialize, learn about the project, and enjoy regular gaming and sponsored events.

Website Updates

The Aviator team recently had a meeting with an experienced web developer who has built websites for major US corporations. We are eagerly anticipating the review of the initial website revamp, but are not rushing their expertise.

The newly updated website will include:

  • Detailed tokenomics updated in real-time via API tie-ins from etherscan
  • A preview of the Aviator Arcade hosting platform
  • An open testnet version of Aviator SkyBridge, Aviator’s all-encompassing bridge to Coinbase’s L2 network, Base
  • The Hangar: Aviator’s physical goods marketplace
  • A custom front-end for the Aviator DAO for direct voting on the website
  • The Aviator Flightpaper
  • Landing pages for all of Aviator’s pages including Dextools, CoinMarketCap, CoinGecko, Medium, etc.

To note, the website will be constantly updated as the project grows and new technology becomes available. Aviator aims to be a competitor in Web3 for many years to come.

Other News

Aviator Technologies, LLC has successfully filed for the following trademarks:

  1. Aviator Arcade — this encompasses the flagship community gaming platform and the custom API that makes it all possible.
  2. SkyBridge — this trademark is for financial transfers from Ethereum Mainnet to Base’s L2 Network.

Both of the above trademarks can be found on https://uspto.gov.

Game Jam Website: https://gamejam.aviator.ac/

Itch.io Game Jam Page: https://itch.io/jam/2023-aviator-arcade-game-jam

Website: https://aviator.ac/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/aviator_ac

Telegram: https://t.me/aviator_ac

Discord: https://aviator.ac/discord

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/DecentralizedAviators/

Warpcast: https://warpcast.com/aviator-ac

Snapshot DAO: https://snapshot.org/#/aviator-dao.eth

Links: https://aviator.ac/links

CoinMarketCap: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/aviator

CoinGecko: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/aviator

Etherscan: https://etherscan.io/token/0xd2bdaaf2b9cc6981fd273dcb7c04023bfbe0a7fe

DEXTools: https://www.dextools.io/app/en/ether/pair-explorer/0x46077fccd46bc963d32456f931c13324786f8bab

Uniswap: https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xd2bdaaf2b9cc6981fd273dcb7c04023bfbe0a7fe